eBook Price: $30
A fantastic collection of Mentalism from the mind of Art Vanderlay.
This stuff is liquid gold.
His Television Magazine test is awesome, you can literally go out cold, walk up to a magazine stall, the participant chooses a television show from the magazine (no Gimmicks) and then you read the participant in order to be able to tell them what the program is (calling specific details from the actual program) no an*agra*s or fishing is required. By the way you never touch the magazine.
This alone worth the price of the book.
Peter Turner
Your work is sublime!
Neal Scryer
The Prophecy Principle: This is a principle that can be applied to almost any book that allows the apparent choice of a free choice of any word on any page in an un-gimmicked book whilst still limiting their selection to just a few words - Updated & expanded.
My Mind Or Yours: This is a way to be able to predict anything or read anyone's mind at any time just using business cards. It uses a very old and classic method but with a nice added layer of deception.
Emotional Fire Bending: Whilst subtly demonstrating your abilities to manipulate fire, you are to reveal the name of someone's true love.
TV Magazine Test: A magazine test that can be done at any time and any time there is a TV Guide to hand - Updated & expanded.
Phantom: A word is chosen from a book, a friend is thought of, that very same friend then calls the spectator under a hypnotic trance and names the correct word.
Perfect for TV or to impress a V.I.P.
ESP Opener: A quick demonstration of precognition using just your business cards.
No Skill Chair Test: A chair prediction that is easy to do and understand. Can be adapted to suit corporations or products.
5th Dimensional Telepathy: Only 3 slips of paper, 3 pens and 3 envelopes are used. Can be done 100% impromptu and uses no gimmicks or special envelopes whatsoever.